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To The Editor: Salmon Farm Incompatibility

To the Editor:

Aquaculture is an important component of Maine’s working waterfront and new leases are something we rarely oppose – only once in the last few decades.

However, after much deliberation and consultation with our members, conservation allies and the broader community, Maine Coast Heritage Trust’s Board of Directors has voted to oppose the American Aquafarms salmon farm proposal slated for Frenchman Bay in the heart of the state’s Acadia region.

Based on currently available information, we believe this proposal’s proximity to Acadia National Park, its scale and expected level of activity would be incompatible with existing uses in Frenchman Bay.

Earlier this year, MCHT reached out to the Army Corps of Engineers and asked for a full Environmental Impact Statement to ensure that the public can adequately assess this unprecedented proposal. We hope they agree to do this more thorough analysis.

Until then, with many unanswered questions lingering, and informed by 50 years of working with the National Park Service, MCHT joins the growing chorus of citizens seeking to protect the unique recreational, cultural, ecological and economic resource that is Frenchman Bay.

Tim Glidden

President, Maine Coast Heritage Trust


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